​​​​​​​Screendance | 2021

Concept | direction | camera | Lenka Půžová
Dancers | Grace Cuny, Aneta Dortová, Amir Sabra, Lenka Půžová
Music | Vladimír Schmid
This short dance film touches on the relationship between dance and architecture/environment, using "The environment shapes us" as its accompanying phrase. 
It is demonstrated through one unique movement sequence danced by 3-5 dancers in five different contexts and spatial conditions. Each of the chosen venues differs radically and inscribes in the dancers´ movement. It stands as a metaphor for a wider topic of being strongly influenced by places to which we (don´t) dedicate our time. 
This video project should support and raise individual awareness about this topic, aiming to be able to make a sober distinction as to whether this influence is enriching or destructive.

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